Transform and thrive.

At Thrive Through Counseling & Consulting, we are a team of dedicated mental health professionals committed to helping individuals transform their lives. Our practice focuses on providing compassionate, non-traditional approaches to mental health care, with a special emphasis on breaking the stigma around mental health for Black and People of Color. Reach out to get started today!

Learn how to thrive through struggle.

Life is tough and sometimes we think that if we can just get there on our own, we’ll be fine.

I believe you can flourish.

You don’t have to do it all alone. I’m here to help you cultivate deep and lasting change.

About the founder.

I am so proud of you for taking this step in your healing journey.

I am a Black neurodivergent therapist, I created Thrive Through Counseling to empower young adults, specifically focused on the experiences of black individuals, along their journey to self-discovery.

Passionate about guiding clients through life's challenges, I believe in unlocking the inherent greatness within each individual.

As the owner, I am committed not only to empowering you but also to reshaping the narrative around mental health for minorities. I am always working hard to create a safe and supportive space where you can thrive, learn, and embrace your true potential.

Learn more about Shanell!

What Thrive Through Counseling Offers

  • We offer individual therapy services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Or approach is client-centered, providing a safe and supportive environment to explore personal challenges and growth opportunities. By utilizing various therapeutic modalities, we help clients develop coping strategies, improve their emotional well-being, and achieve their personal goals. Together, we work towards fostering resilience, self-awareness, and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

  • During the first therapy appointment, we offer a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation to understand each client's unique needs and concerns. This initial assessment involves discussing personal history, current challenges, and goals for therapy. By gaining a thorough understanding of the client's background, We can tailor a personalized treatment plan that effectively addresses their specific issues. This diagnostic evaluation sets the foundation for a collaborative and successful therapeutic journey.

  • Shanell provides consulting services to therapists who are new in the field, offering guidance and support as they navigate their early careers. Through personalized mentorship, she helps them develop their clinical skills, understand ethical considerations, and build confidence in their practice. My consulting services also include strategies for effective client engagement and professional growth. By sharing my experience and insights, I aim to empower new therapists to succeed and thrive in their chosen profession.

  • Shanell is a dedicated therapist who specializes in providing trainings and presentations to educate other practices and facilities about various therapy modalities. With a strong focus on culturally competent care, she helps professionals enhance their understanding and implementation of diverse therapeutic approaches. Shanell's expertise and passion for inclusive care make her a valuable resource in promoting effective and respectful treatment. Her engaging and informative sessions empower therapists to better serve their clients from all backgrounds.

Our goal is to help you discover and access that
inner wisdom.


  • To begin counseling at Thrive Through Counseling, start by reaching out to us with any questions or concerns you may have here: Contact Section

    Otherwise, you are welcome to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation or a full initial therapy evaluation session here:

    Schedule Appointment

    After attending your first session, we can explore your goals and areas you want to focus on!

  • Yes! Thrive Through Counseling accepts many major insurance plans including:

    Oscar Health
    United Healthcare
    Blue Cross and Blue Shield

  • Thrive Through Counseling accepts clients without insurance based on a cash pay/out of pocket rate of $150 for individual and $175 for couples.

    Feel free to ask for copies of your session statements so that you can submit them to your insurance plan for potential reimbursement towards your deductible based on your out of network benefits.

  • Thrive Through Counseling is an online/telehealth based practice so sessions will occur via video.

    We will always ensure a confidential and quiet location to work with you.

    This is where you can show up comfortably in your own home, pets, pajamas and snacks are welcome!

  • If you don’t have health insurance or you plan to pay for health care bills yourself, generally, health
    care providers and facilities must give you an estimate of expected charges when you schedule an
    appointment for a health care item or service, or if you ask for an estimate. This is called a “good faith
    A good faith estimate isn’t a bill
    The good faith estimate shows the list of expected charges for items or services from your provider or
    facility. Because the good faith estimate is based on information known at the time your provider or
    facility creates the estimate, it won’t include any unknown or unexpected costs that may be added during
    your treatment. Generally, the good faith estimate must include expected charges for:
    • The primary item or service
    • Any other items or services you’re reasonably expected to get as part of the primary item or service
    for that period of care.
    The estimate might not include every item or service you get from another provider or facility, even if
    some items or services may seem connected to the same service. For example, if you’re getting surgery,
    the good faith estimate could include the cost of the surgery, anesthesia, any lab services, or tests.
    In some cases, items or services related to the surgery that are scheduled separately, like certain pre-
    surgery appointments or physical therapy in the weeks after the surgery, might not be included in the
    good faith estimate. You’ll get a separate good faith estimate when you schedule those items or services
    with the provider or facility, or if you ask for it.
    Your right to a good faith estimate
    Providers and facilities must give you the good faith estimate:
    • After you schedule a health care item or service. If you schedule an item or service at least 3
    business days before the date you’ll get the item or service, the provider must give you a good faith
    estimate no later than 1 business day after scheduling. If you schedule the item or service OR ask
    for cost information about it at least 10 business days before the date you get the item or service,
    the provider or facility must give you a good faith estimate no later than 3 business days after you
    schedule or ask for the estimate.
    • That includes a list of each item or service (with the provider or facility), and specific details, like
    the health care service code.
    • In a way that’s accessible to you, like in large print, Braille, audio files, or other forms of
    Providers and facilities must also explain the good faith estimate to you over the phone or in person
    if you ask, then follow up with a written (paper or electronic) estimate, per your preferred form of

    Keep the estimate in a safe place so you can compare it to any bills you get later. After you get a bill
    for the items or services, if the billed amount is $400 or more above the good faith estimate, you may be
    eligible to dispute the bill.
    For more information, review an example of what a good faith estimate may include (PDF) and examples of
    good faith estimates that do and don’t qualify for the dispute process (PDF).
    This communication was printed, published, or produced and disseminated at U.S. taxpayer expense.

Let’s work together!

Find out how you can thrive.